Our Policies

Our Policies

Our Policies


Our business values all of its employees and their contributions. It has a deep-rooted commitment to stand against discrimination and ensure equal opportunity. As management, we are committed to maintaining our organization as an institution free from discrimination or physical or verbal abuse on the basis of race, gender, color, nationality, social origin, religion, age, disability, political opinion or any value status protected by applicable law. Personnel selection for our company is made on the basis of minimum qualifications such as vacant position, education, interests, talent, work experience.


No child labor is acceptable in our business. The minimum age determined by national and international laws is taken into account, except for mandatory situations such as trainees and trainees.


Our company cannot force any employee to work. The working principles in our business are based on volunteerism. If the employee quits the job, the company cannot prevent or delay it, except for any security reason. All kinds of information of our employees are protected and kept confidential to the extent specified by law.


Any verbal, physical and sexual approach, unexcusable physical contact, offer or touching that is not approved by the other party,

of a person; comments about his or her personal image, body or lifestyle regarding race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability or any other characteristic,

Statements or threats made that imply, relate, or reasonably imply a link between the employee or student's employment status, promotion potential, salary status or grades, and consent to sexual harassment;

Displaying obscene or discriminatory graphics, cartoons or photographs regarding race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other personal characteristic, in the workplace, excluding those used in educational activities,

Obscene stories, jokes, suggestive remarks or comments about race, gender, nationality, sexual orientation, religion, disability or any personal characteristics,

verbal attacks,

Mobbing (harassing); Unwarranted accusations, humiliations, general harassment or emotional abuse of a particular person, perpetrated by a group rather than an individual,


no employee, student, intern, job applicant or any other person, provided that it is done in good faith, is seeking counseling regarding a sexual harassment issue, filing a sexual harassment complaint, or acting as a witness or panel member in an investigation into sexual harassment. may not be subjected to behavior such as restriction, interference, coercion or retaliation.

Our company is notably observance of Turkish Republic laws and thereafter SMETA inspection within the frame of OHS, Environment and Morality Rules.